How To Use Cc On A Business Letter

I mean, yes, “cc” is one of the easiest ones, but the innocent use of jargon, in general, may alienate or intimidate the audience that could then have other repercussions. Or, the manager could have just avoided using the jargon in the email no matter how common it seems, considering that the email was directed to a newcomer. However, many also prefer the more recently adapted meaning which is “courtesy copy,” as the former has an obsolete, and therefore non-functional, connotation.

Start the email by addressing only those included in the “to” field. The carbon paper between the pieces of paper would transfer a pigment print onto the bottom sheet to create a copy. For more information on how to use CC, BCC, what is the difference between them, and other email functions, you’ll find everything you need in our resource section. Alternatively, for the latest news on Spike email app and a wealth of useful tips and tricks on everything from productivity to mindfulness, check out the Spike blog today. It can be challenging to get started writing without a memo example. Memos are usually used for internal communications, while press releases are intended for external communications.

Formal letters still hold a very important place in the business world. While e-mail has taken over most of our communication tools, some situations still require communication to be carried out via a formal letter on paper. Among all the elements of a business letter, there is one element known as CC, that may or may not be used in the letter.

  1. These days, the “Cc” feature lets you send someone a digital copy of any email that’s been sent to someone else.
  2. In modern times, cc mimics the intent of its analog, paper predecessor.
  3. The person at the other company will go in the “To” field, but you can loop your manager in by putting them in the “Cc” field.
  4. Use CC to add contacts to an existing email thread or message.
  5. All you need to do is add your primary contact in the “To” field and then include the contacts you wish to share the thread within the “CC” field.

When the audience is not receptive to the message, it is best to lead up to the purpose gradually. These headings may be double- or single-spaced, and the SUBJECT line is often in all capital letters. Many organizations have their own style preferences on these issues. If not, the order listed above, double-spaced, is the most common. “Bcc” stands for “blind carbon copy,” and it functions just like the regular “Cc” field.

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Now, let’s try to make sense of how and when to use “cc” in business correspondence. Going back to the introductory story of this post, the intern could’ve avoided spending much time understanding “cc” if the background context was keenly considered. Within the “new message” window, click “recipients,” and the cc option will appear. Cc is useful, but that doesn’t mean you should use it in every situation.

This should help you gain more understanding of how a single word could be written in several ways, which is a natural characteristic of language. In this section, you will find several variations of writing “cc” as a verb. If you think the receiver is likely going to have some confusion when you use “cc,” you can simply modify your sentence by paraphrasing.

The pressure and pigment from the pen or typewriter would bleed through the carbon paper as you wrote, allowing you to mark up multiple sheets at once. Like a physical carbon copy, a CC is a way of sending additional copies of an email to other people. Some people refer to CC as “courtesy copy ,” which better describes what a CC actually is. CC is often used as a verb, as in “I CC’d him on the email.” When you CC people on an email, the CC list is visible to all other recipients. “Carbon copy” simply means a duplicate file of an original one.

Top 5 Dos and Don’ts

The option to CC someone is usually found under the main recipient’s email address. You can add more than one email address to send a copy of the message to multiple people. You should use cc in an email to loop in stakeholders, new participants, and large groups of people who need to see the email you’re sending. You can also use cc to introduce a new coworker, add your manager to an important email chain, or communicate a significant project change to your whole team.


That is the question that often arises when busy managers set out to write a memo. Memos may be distributed manually through print medium in organizations in which not all employees have access to email. Organizations with access to email may distribute memos as attachments to email. In both types of organization, action information (such as deadlines or contact information) or a courteous closing statement is placed in the last paragraph. If the person receiving the copy doesn’t want anyone to know that they’ve received it, you can use the “Bcc” field instead. Write c/o to indicate “care of” on the second line of the address, after the name of the person the letter is addressed to.

How is a memo different from a circular?

The process of carbon copying was popular during the pre-digital age when typewriters were the means of creating files. A file can be duplicated by placing a carbon paper in between two sheets of paper, and then typing or writing on the first sheet. Additionally, whenever anyone chooses to Reply All, all people in the To field and CC field will receive a copy of the cc meaning in memo new message. CC’d people will have the option to Reply or Reply All, like a direct recipient. CC’d people often end up in the middle of extended email threads, whether that was the intention or not. In all cases, a direct Reply will only go to the person who drafted the message—regardless of whether they started as the sender, a direct recipient, or in the CC line.

The text of memos typically uses block format, with single-spaced lines, an extra space between paragraphs, and no indentions for new paragraphs. However, if a report using memo format stretches to a few pages in length, double spacing may be used to improve its readability. Anyone who receives the blind copy will get to see all the people in the “To” and “Cc” fields, but not vice versa. And if you put multiple people into the “Bcc” field, none of them will know who else received the blind copy either. For example, say that you need to send directions to someone in another company. The person at the other company will go in the “To” field, but you can loop your manager in by putting them in the “Cc” field.

Other meanings of “cc” in English

It is often used to keep colleagues and clients in the loop, especially when you want to share information but you don’t necessarily need a reply. Learning how to send a CC email is simple, and most people will already be well versed in its usage. The “CC” field is usually found within your email composition window, below the “To” field and above the “BCC” field. All you need to do is add your primary contact in the “To” field and then include the contacts you wish to share the thread within the “CC” field.

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